Los conceptos geomorfológicos en la obra de Ezequiel Ordóñez (1867-1950)

  • José Lugo-Hubp Instituto de Geografía, UNAM, Ciudad Universitaria, 04510 México, D.F.


Ezequiel Ordóñez is still one of the most important Mexican geologists because of the number and the quality of his scientific publications. The first one appears in 1889, the last one of about 112, in 1947. In more than thirty of his works, he puts a special significance to landforms, most of the time as support to petrology, volcanoes, mineral and petroleum deposits and other subjects. The geo- morphic concepts are evident while he was publishing about small areas and provinces or the whole country, which makes of Ezequiel Ordóñez a Geomorphology pioneer in Mexico. It is interesting that not having been exactly a geomorphologist, he never used the name of that discipline or wrote about the contemporary theories mentioning their authors, the way he described the landforms and inter- preted them in his work, makes of Ezequiel Ordóñez a true connoisseur of the geomorphic method, which he probably reached through intuition and possibly by the influence of the German geologist Emil Böse, a former pupil of one of the most advanced schools of landforms studies in the early 1900s.


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