Una nueva localidad pérmica con fusulínidos en Puebla

  • Salvador Enciso-De la Vega Instituto de Geología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Ciudad Universitaria, Delegación Coyoacán, 04510 México, D. F.
Keywords: fusulinids, Leonardian age, Puebla


To the south of Mexico City, in the Mixteca region of Puebla, near the northwestern border of Oaxaca State and east of the town of Progreso, there are metamorphic rocks belonging to the Acatlán Complex associated with narrow structural windows. One of these is located on the west flank of Cerro El Cuxtepeque . Micropaleontologic studies allowed to ldentify the fusulinids Schwagerina cf. gruperaensis and Parafusulinidae cf. P. durhami both of Leonardian age. The stratigraphic section contains gypsum and oolitic structures in limestone and chert, which suggest the existence of an environment of high energy and evaporation in permian littoral zone. It is probable that similar rocks and structures in this part of Mexico follow the general pattern described in this paper.

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