Una especie nueva del género Griffithides Portlock (Arthropoda: Trilobita) del Paleozoico superior de Oaxaca

  • Alejandro Morón-Ríos Instituto de Ecología, A. C., Apartado Postal 18-845, 11800 México, D. F.
  • María del Carmen Perrilliat Instituto de Geología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Ciudad Universitaria, Delegación Coyoacán, 04510 México, D. F.
Keywords: Trilobite, Griffithides, Ixtaltepec, Oaxaca, Mexico


A new species o f the Genus Griffithides Portlock, 1843, of the Family Proetidae, of the Ixtaltepec Formation (Pennsylvanian), of the Nochixtlán area in Oaxaca in south-central Mexico is described. Its taxonomic situation is discussed and compared with two of the known species of the genus. The geographic distribution of this genus in North America is extended.

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