Estudio edafológico de los municipios de Cuautitlán, Estado de México

  • David Flores-Román Instituto de Geología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Ciudad Universitaria, Delegación Coyoacán, 04510 México, D. F. Instituto de Geología, UNAM-FES Cuautitlán, por convenio.
  • Nicolás Aguilera-Herrera Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Ciudad Universitaria, Delegación Coyoacán, 04510 México, D. F.
  • Lourdes Flores-Delgadillo Instituto de Geología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Ciudad Universitaria, Delegación Coyoacán, 04510 México, D. F.
Keywords: soil classification, fertility level, Cuautitlán, Mexico State


An edafological study was made in an approximately 5,500 ha area in the municipalities of Cuautitlán, Mexico State, with the purpose of characterizing morphogenetically and taxonomically the soils, to establish their fertility level and agronomic classification.

According lo the “Soil classification 7th approximation” (Soil Survey Staff. 1960), the soils belong to the order Inceptisol. sub-order Andtept, great group Umbrandept and sub-group Molic-Vertic. According to the FAO-UNESCO 1970 classification, modified by CETENAL (1975), soils belong to the great group Phaeozem and the subgroup Vertic (Andic). In relation to their fertility. they present satisfactory physical and chemical characteristics to grow all the climatic adapted crops. Agronomically, the soils under irrigation conditions are first class: without these conditions they are second class, demerited by texture.

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