The middle Cretaceous El Abra Limestone at its type locality (facies, diagenesis and oil emplacement), east-central Mexico

  • Joaquín Eduardo Aguayo-Camargo Instituto de Ciencias del Mary Limnología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Ciudad Universitaria, Delegación Coyoacán, 04510 D.F., Mexico
Keywords: Stratigraphy, Cretaceous, El Abra Limestone, Mexico.


The reef complex El Abra Limestone of the Cretaceous Valles-San Luis Potosí Platform at mid-eastern Mexico, is widely accepted to range from Albian to Cenomanian. However, at its type locality in Taninul quar­ries, the age of the outcropping formation is early Cenomanian at the lower part of the stratigraphic column, on the basis of rudists, other mollusk shells and ammonites. Moreover, the age of the upper portion of the El Abra is late Turonian, due to the presence of a layer rich in planktonic foraminifera located at the back-reef environment… in order to continue, download the full paper in PDF

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